SWAGING, commonly known as MECHANICAL SPLICING or WIRE CRIMPING, is a forging process by which an “eye” can be made at the termination of a steel wire rope for the purpose of lifting or securing. The process is carried out on a mechanically or hydraulically operated swager or commonly called “Crimping Machine” with appropriate dies for the desired results.

Afloat Engineers is equipped with a heavy duty Wire Crimping Machines of 1000 ton capacity; which can mechanically crimp steel wire ropes upto 60mm. Afloat Engineers is also equipped with a smaller Wire Crimping machine which can handle steel wire ropes from 5mm to 12mm.
Design, Erection and Installations of Fire Fighting Mock-ups for Fire Fighting Training with fixed fire fighting systems like Foam and Dry Chemical Powders.
Afloat Engineers has a training facility on the outskirts of Chennai City. The training facility is equipped to carry out the following:
  • Basic and Advanced training in Arc Welding upto 6G Level
  • Advanced Virtual Welding Simulations
  • Enclosed Space Entry Procedures
  • Pipe Fitting and Fabrication
  • Plumbing and Carpentry
  • Industrial Safety Training
  • Fire Fighting Training under realistic conditions inside a steel structure. Usage of fire portable and fixed fire extinguishers, Fireman’s outfit and SCBA.